[Kevin Mok] # _

Work Experience

Red Hat

May 2020 — Aug 2021
Cloud/Software Engineer Intern
  • Reduced deployment time by 66% by implementing ability to deploy locally-compiled binaries onto Kubernetes/OpenShift using only command-line (Kubernetes/GoLang used for this and three below).
  • Implemented ability for Kubernetes operator to fetch data from a deployed service and update config with data to deprecate reliance on startup script.
  • Added startup probes to handle starting legacy application containers that require additional startup time.
  • Refactored probes to have default values assigned based on deployed YAML while also fixing reconciliation issues.
  • Rewrote the Jenkins nightly pipeline to run in a GitHub PR using a trigger keyword to test all submitted PR's.
  • Took initiative to write documentation on how to get started with the project to onboard new developers and mentored the incoming intern.


AWS Server

May 2024
  • Deployed various web apps using Docker (Compose) on an AWS EC2 Debian/Linux server.
  • Created Kubernetes manifest files to quickly recreate my server setup with persistent storage/restarts and open ports.
  • Created Terraform files to deploy an AWS EC2 instance and Docker containers.
  • Used Amazon Route 53's DNS and NGINX to route subdomains to each web application.
  • Used AWS security groups to allow inbound HTTPS traffic.
  • Wrote a JavaScript server script and systemd service/timer to display the uptime of my pages every hour.

Rarity Surf

Oct 2021
  • Web app to give rarity rankings to NFT's within minutes of their metadata being revealed and check which are listed (based on rarity and price filters) on the OpenSea marketplace using their API.
  • Reverse engineered the ranking algorithm to match the leading rarity ranking site's rankings (scraped using Selenium) with a discrepancy of <0.25%.
  • Used app to frontrun purchases of top 5% rarity NFT's against competing buyers.
  • Wrote Django (Python) backend to fetch metadata from IPFS, store rarity rankings in PostgreSQL and serve rarity data using GraphQL.
  • Wrote React frontend with hooks to dynamically load rarity data. Styled with Tailwind.


Jan 2023
  • Created for a 36 hour hackathon (UofTHacks X) where it came 2nd overall.
  • Created and deployed a smart contract with Solidity on the Ethereum blockchain to create/buy/sell NFT's.
  • Wrote a React hook to fetch and show listed NFT's, NFT details and owned NFT's.
  • Used API to synchronously upload images and metadata to IPFS.


AWS, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker (Compose), JavaScript, React, Python, Go(Lang), Bash, Solidity, C, Django, Node.js, Jenkins, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Linux, Git, Command Line


University of Toronto

2018 — 2023
Computer Science Specialist — 3.84 GPA (CS). Graduated with High Distinction.


See my LinkedIn for references from my Red Hat managers/mentee, a startup client and a graduate student mentor.